Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Time is Coming to Town

Really not a whole lot has happened since I last wrote.  Monk and I are finally back home, and Monk had eye surgery back in August and recovered wonderfully.  I am having so much fun finding gifts for everyone and I'm really excited to see if everyone likes what we purchased.

Hubs has put in for a MOS change.  He is currently trying to get an interview with EOD (*joy*), Im not thrilled but we have talked about it and Im "ok" with it.  

The main thing on my mind is that Im a little disappointed.  I havent been feeling well lately and my cycle has been screwy so I went in to the Dr to get everything checked out and she couldnt find my IUD (mirena).  So I panicked and we did a blood test and it turned out negative, which really is wonderful news.  But even though I am 99% happy about the outcome I can't help being just that littlest bit disappointed.

My weight still isnt where I would like it to be, although I have lost 15lbs in the last month and a half, and to say this isnt the right time is pointless because there's never a good time to have another mouth to feed and another butt to diaper.  But Monk wasnt exactly planned out and I can't imagine our life without him.

We wont be trying anytime soon but if I had been pregnant baby #2 could have been our happy accident.  I will be going in for cervical ultrasounds this upcoming week to find out if it fell out or just moved around. After we figure that out I will be having it removed, and put a no hormone IUD in its place.