Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where to Begin

I haven't decided if this will be a "secret" blog or if I will post a few times and make sure I keep up with it and then send links out. Either way I won't be sharing any deep dark secrets (maybe a vent here and there) so I guess it won't matter.

I'll just start with some basics for this post. I have been a Marine's wife for almost 4 years now. My husband and I met before he joined but didn't start dating until after he completed boot camp and school. We have essentially been together ever since he got to Camp Pendleton. About a year ago we got orders to a tiny reserve station in Northern Alabama, it's been interesting... It's weird not having a large support system. I mean we live in a "military community" as there is a large Army base and NASA center here, but as far as Marine's and their wives go, the pickings are slim.

On September 17, 2009 I became the proud momma of a healthy baby boy. Monkey is getting so big, and I don't even mean that fact that I can't believe he's almost 8 months old (that's just 4 months away from a year!!!!) But at 7 months old he is 23 lbs. Now that may not seem like a lot but at 5 months he was not mobile at all so I was lifting and hauling around a 20 lb (he was 20 lbs exactly) baby all day. That gets heavy quick! Thank goodness for crawling. He's starting to bear crawl and enjoys doing push-ups. He does them all the time.

My other baby, my husband, is actually a bigger handful haha. But I'm use to him by now. He has been in the Marines for 6 years and we are currently making the decision as to whether he will re-enlist. The main issues are with his GI Bill, he won't be able to finish his degree before he gets out, and I am still in the process of finishing off my BA. Hubs is currently going to college online with American Military University to get a degree in Game and Wildlife Management. He would like to become a Game Warden when he gets out. I want to start taking classes again as well but I can't find a school with the degree I need. I am going to school for Early Childhood Education and all the schools in the area only offer Masters degrees and I don't need anything that advanced. AMU offers a bachelors in Child and Family Development that I'm thinking about taking but I'm just not sure what the practical application is. Although if I did complete that degree and we moved back to our hometown there's an agency that you go through and do 6-12 months of training and they give you a teaching certificate as long as you already have a BA.

OMG this post is boring, but I guess it's necessary so if I vent about being stuck at home and lonely it makes sense lol.